The Ladies

Naomi Harlow

Naomi is a 16 year old 6th year Ravenclaw. She is a very shy girl and she doesn't talk to many people. Naomi keeps to herself most of the time and nobody really knows who she is. She is a bookworm and she loves to study and paint. Naomi has a dark secret that she has never told anybody because she doesn't have any close friends. She is a very nervous and pessimistic person, she doesn't like conflict and she hates attention.

Ava Mitchells

Ava is a 16 year old 6th year Gryffindor. She is a Beater for the Gryffindor quidditch team. Ava loves sports and she loves her friends. She is a very outgoing person and she likes to be everyone's best friend. Ava is a very kind person and she will go out of her way to do anything for the people she cares about. She is very down-to-earth and she loves to meet new people. Ava is very busy between quidditch practice and spending time with her friends, she doesn't really have time for any love interests. She really would like to meet someone to fall in love with, but she is afraid that it would take time away from her love for quidditch.

Molly Fitzgerald

Molly is a 17 year old 7th year Slytherin. Molly loves to gossip! She knows everything about almost everyone at Hogwarts and you could ask her about any student and she would have some sort of juicy information to tell you. Molly loves to gossip about everyone; friends, enemies, other students she has never talked to before. If there isn't any rumors going around, Molly is known to make up her own. She is a very friendly person, but she is not very trustworthy. Molly is known to stab her friends in the back and she is very two-faced.

Olivia Daniels

Olivia is a 16 year old 6th year Slytherin. She is very bossy, arrogant, and rude. Olivia purposely secludes herself from others. She does not like to associate with other people because she believes she is better than them. Livy thinks that no one will ever measure up to her expectations. She is very stylish and also very smart. She spends most of her time studying or wandering around by herself.

Claire Tyson

Claire is a 17 year old 7th year Gryffindor. She is very flirtatious and she loves to break the rules. She never really had much of a family and she likes to run wild. Claire is very open-minded and she loves to try new things. She barely goes to class and you will mostly find her out late at night. She loves to stay out all night and sleep all day. She is what you would call a party girl. Besides being wild, Claire is also very flirty. She has been around the school and everyone knows it. Claire is aware of all the rumors being spread about her but she doesn't let that bother her or slow her down.